44K+ College & Universities
250+ UG Degrees
300+ Competitive Exams
5M+ Competing Students
Less than 1 percent success rate in competitive exams
Peer Pressure
Psychometric Tests (Personality-Aptitude-Interest) followed by personalized mentoring, Customized AI Study Buddy, Study Materials and much more
Class VI onwards
1499/- onwards
Duration – 2.5 hours. Created after years of research by certified psychologist
Our counsellors have counselled 2000+ students and are guided by industry leaders
Ditch the age old way of mugging and rote learning with a personal AI Learning Tool
Topic-wise and full syllabus mock tests for continuous development and practice
Unrestricted access to academic/professional interests with expert-led workshops
Skill badges and certifications in futuristic skills as per CBSE & NEP 2020 guidelines
Career Coach
Ex Consultant - WTC Mumbai, Lawsikho, India Beach Fashion Week
Ex- upGrad, GetMyUni, ICICI Bank, Electrotherm (YoBike)
Lead - Counselling Projects
Certified EMDR Therapist, Psychologist, 2000+ Counselled Students
One-to-one consultation, testing & assessments, career guidance & competitive exam prep support and much more…
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